Saturday, April 4, 2015

Loose edges always meet up

I am building a house. Because I live in Indonesia where the rules are limited I can build it inch by inch without planning too far ahead. I can look at today and decide what needs to be done. Lets put a wall there, lets lay tile here.

People from western countries find this to be ludricous if not impossible. They can't fathom the emptiness of not having the complete vision written on graph paper ready to be neatly orchestrated. 

The other day a sweet british man interested in my construction project attempted to explain his disbelief by asking "how do you decide what to do when you get to two edges?"
When two edges of two surfaces planned and implemented at different times come together they may need a bit of imagination to join them. Where floor tile meets the edge of the pool, or a wall meets a counter. But allthough it seems impossible from afar or before they come together these two surfaces present thier own logic once complete. This logic may not even be visible untill you get there. You have to wait for the edges to meet and then translate the logic of that moment. Add a bit of trim, smooth out the surfaces, sand them down. Like magic they become one. It works, I swear. This makes sense in construction if you let it. If you let go of control and let loose imagination and all that is sensible in this present moment. But you have to let go, let things happen. Watch and then play. This works in life also. 

This is my new mantra. Keep going. Wait for the edges to meet. Wait for whatever it is that is happening now to go somewhere, to make sense. Follow that road in the dark, don't be afraid of the unknown. See what happens, trust that you will know what to do when you get there. Let go and play. Know that it will all become clear. Trust, let go, let it happen. 

I am right now doing lots of thing. Right now I am interviewing transvestights for public health research.  Right now I am building a house. Right now I am dating a sweet and yummy man with a creamy voice. In two months most of these things may be done. I am not sure where the edges are. I can't see them yet. I am not sure where the next edge starts. What does it look like, how will it meet up with my current life? What happens when this man leaves? Will I go to him, will he come back to me? Will there be another man? I am not yet sure. Will my house rent, will I get more public health work and continue to be an academic? I am not yet sure. Wait for the edges, they will come. Know that they will meet. It will all make sense and come together in neat lines. Keep laying tile, one at a time... Don't look too far ahead. Keep going. Enjoy the details of now. The present moment. Keep going. Wait for the edges to meet. Trust that they will. 

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